This is what boredom has done

Sunday 1 December 2013

Daily Food Fess #10

Who knows? Who cares!

I had a filling and healthy day yesterday and decided to take the alcohol out my weeklies. Completely lost count! I've guessed I used 18 on alcohol, it was a good night. Maybe I've underpointed, but I'm not planning to use all my remaining weeklies (30) so I should be alright. I had fried a crumpet soaked in egg as a snack for when we got home, it was so yummy!

Bee & Liz let me do their make-up for them last night. They looked lovely!! Once Liz uploads the picture of all three of us, I will share. For now, here is me and Bee.

Does anyone else always feel slimmer the day after a night out though? I don't have scales at home but it would be interesting to see.

Today I had fruit and Greek yoghurt with a coffee for breakfast. Lunch is vegetable and lentil soup if I can be bothered to make it, if not I have loads of other stuff. I just want to eat Shredded Wheat to be honest. I'm out for a meal tonight. It's a tapas restaurant but I had a cheeky look at the menu already, and they do a main dish of grilled salmon with tomato sauce. I'll use a few weeklies to cover oil etc, but otherwise it should be pretty good. Got a WW cheesecake in the freezer if I need it, and some WW bars, so I won't have pudding.

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